Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Need for God's Word:

Ever since the first sin Adam committed, The separation of God and humans created a Way for Worship, Where Man started calling God by different Names and in many ways he thought to Worship and honor, this is well reflected in the first sacrifice that Man made to offer it to God. The Story of Cain & Able. But today we see that we are bombarded with knowledge, fact, information that we either take the Scripture very lightly or we ignore it completely. But we should understand the Fact that God still speaks to us through his Word, this Word has comforted many lives, people at the urge of committing sin, suicidal attempts and many who hear it at the time of need have benefited by its amazing Transforming Power, It is not in reciting or just reading it that we understand and realize its power, but by believing in it and Trusting it. The Word is referred to Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John, This Word was God in the Beginning of Creation, He was in the Creation process where every thing that is created is created by him and through him. He became Man, Communication to the point where we can realize and understand God's Love by his Nature. He gave up his "Status" to be called as "God" and became "A Carpenter's Son" his glory in heaven can't be compared when he hung on the Cross, where he was despised and rejected all these he went through is to share his Heart felt Love for his creation. The very Idea of all the intellects who thought "How can God become Man" was destroyed, the Power, the destiny and the death could not hold him, He Raised From the Death to show that he is Author and Finisher of Life, He has the power to lay down his life and to take it. This Word is the Need of The Hour. His Words are Heart Touching, Transforms the Hardened Heart to Soften, Bringing a Change that he only can bring through "His Words" which are filled with not only "Wise and Wisdom", but of Power and of Life.

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