Thursday, January 18, 2018

Why some still live in deception? One thing is to know the truth and to deny it another one is not to know the truth itself. By defending I mean, "I have my truth and you have yours", "it doesn't matter to me to know your truth or of there is anything called as Absolute Truth".

I have come across a logical question that points to this understanding in the simplest form.

"In a stranger island there lives only two kinds of people, one kind always tell the truth they are called as "Truth". The other kind always tell the lie they are called as "Lie".
Now I go to this island and there comes a man and says, "I am Truth", who is he? Another person comes to and says, "I am Lie".

Now we can see the problem as to logically there can't anyone say, "I am a liar or Lie". Because that word it itself becomes truth if he was a Lie and can't say a truth. But the other person who said, "I am Truth" can be a True person, but the answer doesn't end it there, even a lier can say, "I am Truth" because he can Lie.
2 Corinthians 11:14 
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

Now we know that a truth statement can be said by anyone. But what is the proof?

In the logical question, a further question will give us the answer. But in reality to find what one claims to be truth will be verified by many other means.

Jesus's claim as God.

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