Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Jesus is the Lord. Thomas confessed it, Peter declared it. John having seen Jesus far away told, "Lamb of God".

As there are many who witnessed that Jesus is Lord, some have fallen short, taken advantage and misused his name. Paul says, the mind that we should be having is that of Christ, who is God but never took advantage of his position but made himself human humbled and sacrificed himself, he was obedient to the point of death, dying on the cross taking on shame, rejection of men.

As Christians we are asked to be very careful in the aspects of pride, selfishness, finances. etc. Using our gift wisely not to bring glory for our names but to God. Not being selfish, but by being sacrificial as Christ sacrificed. Worshipping God rather than money. Seeking his Kingdom first. David says, "it's better to be in the house of God rather to be with sinners". Moses is said to be very humble man, "Missed choose to suffer with the people of God rather than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin". Abraham obeyed God and moved from worshipping idols to the one true God, he went in search of a city whose builder is God, he obeyed and took his son Isaac to sacrifice on the Mount, when God saw his faith, he was blessed not only with Isaac, but was promised that he will be father of many nations.

We see that scripture says that the Satan is cunning and crafty.

 2 Corinthians 11:14 
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

So, we are asked to be very careful when we are offended, when we see ignorance, evil, misunderstanding happening around us. Jesus asks us to be wise as serpent and harmless as dove in the midst of wolf as we are being sent as sheep.

No matter what happens those who follow Christ should stop complaining about circumstances as we know God is in control of everything, then we should never misuse our Gifts and abilities either to be pride or to becoming rich or becoming selfish, but when we know God is the owner of everything and if we are aware of the fact that we need to give an account we will use it wisely to glorify and honor him, him only. Finally we should never use our situations to escape or to do wrong and evil. Examples like how Adam blamed Eve and how Eve blamed the serpent. H How Cain answered God(am I my brother's keeper?) How Moses tried to give excuses by telling God that he is not very well with words, King Saul excused himself by saying that he obeyed God, but bought things and animals only to sacrifice to God. So, we should learn from these mistakes and do as according to God's will like Jesus.

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