Friday, April 25, 2014

The Authority of the Word: On reliability of Gospels

The Word of God - The Holy Bible is considered to the incorruptible indestructible ever living word of God.

The Holy Bible is considered to be incorruptible and indestructible ever living word of God because of many reasons. Though it has been said by the skeptics as unreliable and illogical it has been the most selling book of all the history. It has been a book of inspiration for many lives to guide them, lead them, provide them with Wisdom and Knowledge that is required to live a Godly life.

1 Peter 1:23 NIV
For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.

The most important aspect of the Holy Bible is that is reliability. How can we trust what we read in this book is really what God wants to say. The answer varies from various religious theologians and Apologetics. Many Evangelist have even more different opinions, but the truth is truth.

One of most important aspect in any verification is eyewitness: The Holy Bible contains many writers who were the eyewitness of the events, say for example. The Disciples of Jesus Christ, who themselves were along with Jesus, saw his miracles, saw his death and resurrection, listened to his preachings and learnt the lessons what God wanted them to learn. Now it was in their hand to share that good news with the rest of the world. Their views and opinions may vary, because of their personal experience and visions. This variations in the Gospels doesn't mean that its unreliable, but it just gives us an understanding about the writers. The account of resurrection in the Gospel is an other example. The time mentioned in the Gospels for the death of Jesus Christ on the cross vary differently, That doesn't mean that its unreliable, it just mean that the objective is to place the subject matter more than the time and other elements. The skeptics have come with lots of ideas with this shortcoming of the scripture. They come with theories like, its a political drama, its unreliable, its deviating.

The major questions arise from this reliability and authority of the Gospels gave opportunity for the skeptics to question the role of God in Creation to the role of God and his Sovereignty.
Some of the major questions that are still being asked:
Creation Vs Evolution:
Free will of Human Vs Sovereignty of God
Jesus Christ Human or God

When we as believer say God created everything that exists. The next question will be why? The answer is - its God's Sovereignty. When we started questioning and reasoning, when we left out wandering without any answers, God sent his one and the only Son - Jesus.

Ephesians 1:9 NIV
he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,

God doesn't want us to just follow him without reasoning, but he expects us to be obedient - Then he will make us know what his purpose his about this mystery of Life.

Psalm 16:11 NIV
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

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