Thursday, February 14, 2019

Let Love be your motivation for all that you do for others

1 Corinthians 14:1

Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives—especially the ability to prophesy. 

We do things with ulterior motives. Anything not done with Love will become a burden. Our Relationship with one another, our work and duties. Etc

Why Love should be the ultimate motivator? Look at the Cross, look at the person of Jesus. For God so Loved... He demonstrated his Love for us by dying on cross for us, yet when we were sinners Christ died for us.

God's Love for us is beautifully explained in Bible, expressed by Jesus on the cross. Jesus' command for us is to Love, his motivation to die on the Cross was for Love. 

We know Love by Jesus, because today the world has distorted this concept. Love is not about possessions about another, but sacrificial. It is not selfish as to what one gets in it, but selfless what one can give to another. Jesus expressed this to his disciples as, no greater Love than this to lay down one's life for his friends.

So, we too must watchout what our motivating factor next time when we say, "I Love You".

God teach us to Love one another as you have loved, you don't love their sin, but you Love the person. May we be also Love one another for who they are. Without prejudices or other motives. But, let Love guide us to do whatever we do for others.

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