Friday, August 3, 2018

Carnality Vs Spiritual Mind

carnalism, carnality. the practice of finding satisfaction in activities related to fleshly desires and appetites, especially the sexual. — carnal, adj.

Genesis 25:29-34 English Standard Version (ESV)
Esau Sells His Birthright
29 Once when Jacob was cooking stew, Esau came in from the field, and he was exhausted. 30 And Esau said to Jacob, “Let me eat some of that red stew, for I am exhausted!” (Therefore his name was called Edom.[a]) 31 Jacob said, “Sell me your birthright now.” 32 Esau said, “I am about to die; of what use is a birthright to me?” 33 Jacob said, “Swear to me now.” So he swore to him and sold his birthright to Jacob. 34 Then Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew, and he ate and drank and rose and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.

The Bible tells us about this story of two brothers born for Issac the promised son. One of the questions of why God favored Jacob though he cheated is because of the Carnal Mind of Easy. Note though carnality was mainly related with sexual desires and appetites. Here Esau got nothing of that sort of ab act, but God looks at the fleshly desire of appetite for food the same way for sexual desires. The fruit that was looking good, that bought the sin to the world. The temptation of Jesus in wilderness, where satan asks Jesus to turn the stone into bread.

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