Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Questioning and Doubting God

God always intends us to be his people, Good and trustworthy. But at times we misunderstand his word and misinterpret in our own understanding. We try to understand God from our mindset not thinking that God's mindset is different. It's way above us. So, if we are not able to find solutions for a problem, we should not blame God, rather we should humble our-self and accept the fact that is the God Almighty, The All Knowing God.

We could see how Israel, time in and out questioned God's providence for their life.

They questioned about the Meat, The Water, Conquering of the Promised Land. Presence of God - (Not trusting in God's word) they created Idols.

The example of Cain and Abel.
We could see these pattern even before Moses' time, when the second generation - Cain and Abel lived together and offered God. God accepted Able's offering of the first-lings, but rejected Cain's offering - Why because he offered God the last of his Grains and Fruits and other things. What we offer to God is most important, at time why we offer becomes the most important aspect. Whatever God likes we have to submit and surrender to his will, we will have to humbly ask God as to what his will in any particular situations and circumstances rather than what we think that would benefit God.

The example of Saul - Old Testament - Mercy not Sacrifice.

The example of the Assyrians.
God caused the Israelite to be suffered at the hands of the Idol worshipers - Assyrians and many other kingdom were against the Israel, we may ask as to why God should do this for his own people. But, it was the mistake of the Israel, when they started turning towards their own will and did things which caused anger to God. They allowed human kings to rule over their kingdom, they started Idol worship, they denied the power of the true living God. Such and many other things they did in the sight of the Lord.

Sine the beginning of the New Testament and the Enlightenment period in the 17-18th Century
The Pharisees

The Science and The Religion

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